February 24, 2025 to March 7, 2025
IMSc Chennai
Asia/Kolkata timezone

IMSc Spring School on High Energy Physics is a two week program organized at the Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai between 24th February and 7th March, 2025. The purpose of this school is to train young PhD scholars on advanced and contemporary topics in HEP, which are not usually covered in a graduate school curriculum in India. The lectures are intended to prepare PhD students to be able to address important problems which are at the frontiers of research in high energy physics. This year the school will consist of lectures from leading researchers on various aspects of theoretical high energy physics on topics including perturbative QCD, thermal field theory, lattice gauge theory, baryogenesis, jet physics and effective field theories in particle physics. 

Participation is open for PhD students who are working in high energy physics,  with a special consideration for students who are in their initial years of PhD. Advanced Masters and PhD students from institutes in Chennai are also welcome to participate, although no support can be promised, unless shortlisted as a participant. Interested students should register for participation and arrange for a reference letter from their PhD advisor to be sent to sayantans @  imsc. res.in, clearly mentioning the name of the applicant in the subject header. 

Registration Deadline: 30th-January-2025

Note that within the available resources, we might need to be selective on the participant list in case of large number of registrations. The list of participants will be published in this site in the end of January/first week of February.


List of confirmed lecturers: 

Dietrich Bodeker (Bielefeld University)

Sanmay Ganguly (IIT Kanpur)

Shrihari Gopalakrishna (The Institute of Mathematical Sciences)

N. D. Hari Dass (The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, retired)

Sven-Olaf Moch (University of Hamburg and DESY)

Partha Mukhopadhyay (The Institute of Mathematical Sciences)

M. Padmanath (The Institute of Mathematical Sciences)

Shankha (The Institute of Mathematical Sciences)

Anurag Tripathi (IIT Hyderabad)


IMSc Chennai
Ramanujan Auditorium